LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCEExperiential learning provides young people with the opportunity to apply classroom data and theory in a real-world environmentDEVELOPING NEW LIFE SKILLSTravelling helps to improve key life skills including time management, communication, teamwork, organisation & planningSTRENGTHEN FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPSExperiencing unforgettable moments with fellow students and teachers will bring people closer together and help friendships flourishINCREASE CLASSROOM ENGAGEMENTTeachers often observe better attitudes towards learning from pupils as they are more emotionally engaged with their subjectPRACTICE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGESThe best place to learn a new language is in the native country. Experiencing local culture builds a wider appreciation of modern languagesGROW CONFIDENCE & SELF-ESTEEMYoung people are faced with new challenges which push them outside their comfort zone. They must adapt, problem-solve and think more creatively to overcome obstaclesBUILD ASPIRATIONS FOR THE FUTURENew environments have an effect on young peoples' ambitions in life both personally and professionally. Experiential learning helps students to visualise their future beyond educationNEXT GENERATION OF GLOBAL CITIZENSTravel helps young people to understand and appreciate international issues, including economic, political, social, cultural, technological and environmental differences, this can spark new ideas and motivations for students to become advocates of positive global change